Take Primary Colors Contextual Test (in 2 Contexts)
(Learn more about context: https://www.colorspersonality.com/personality-taken-in-context )
Hi, Dawn Billings here and I am thrilled that so many people love my fun, interesting and accurate Primary Colors Personality Tests and Insight Tools.
In the last decade these tests have been enjoyed by thousands of people each year. They have been used by psychology professionals, professional coaches, in schools, in counseling centers, corporations, military service, foster care programs, marriage workshops and churches with great success.
You will take the PCPT personality tests from 2 Life contexts, so you will take the test twice, each time setting your mind on who you are as a professional, and then again as who you are at home/personally. It is only $70 to take these two contextual personality tests.
If you are a member of OverJOYed Life, please use your special access code given to you on your membership page. (Enter your code on the next page as you check out, and it will allow you to take BOTH tests for FREE!)
These tests will help you gain relational insight, and enable you to better understand yourself as you work with, influence, inspire, encourage and lead those around you.
Enjoy! Dawn Billings

Learn More about Primary Colors Personality Tests and Insight Tools